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Software that will form the Operations System of the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) project.
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ARCHIVED! The new notebook describing the the kappa sisso paper: https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/nomad-lab/ai-toolkits/tutorial-kappa-sigma-sisso
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This repository contains the tutorials for the NOMAD analytics toolkit
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This repository contains the list of tutorials which are available through the nomad-lab website
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Combined repository on the bolometer labview vi. Improvements/changes to be made:
fast evaluation based on 3 -- 6 channels for impurity diagnostic and experiment feedback (subject to output on each acquisition cycle via analog / digital-to-analog)
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Mendelian randomization applied to castom-igex TWAS and PALAS output
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A manager for containers. Written in nodejs.
Manages beaker, zeppelin and Creedo docker containers. Uses the container per type per user architecture.
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This module implements the ctapipe EventSource for MAGIC calibrated data.
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