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nomad-lab / nomad-distro
OtherUpdated -
nomad-lab / nomad-FAIR
Apache License 2.0This project comprises all infrastructure related source-code, integrates all necessary parsers and auxiliary projects, and contains the necessary deployment and operation scripts of the current consolidated NOMAD repository and archive.
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elpa / elpa
OtherEigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Apllications (ELPA), please see elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de
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nomad-lab / nomad-gui
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Tobias Glaubach / mke-sculib
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe SCU / ACU interfacing library and some basic simulators
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MPIfR-BDG / edd_dbbc
MIT LicenseThis repository contains VLBI modes implemented within the EDD-system
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struphy-hub / struphy
MIT LicenseOpen-source Python package for geometric plasma simulations.
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Paramater files (.yml) for the open-source Plasma Physics library Struphy.
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Alexander Bock / DYT
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Lucas Miranda / deepOF
MIT LicenseDeepLabCut based data analysis package including pose estimation and representation learning mediated behavior recognition
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David Bold / zoidberg-w7x
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
VOTCA / votca
OtherUpdated -
Volker Springel / Gadget4
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGADGET-4 is a parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code meant for simulations of cosmic structure formation and calculations relevant for galaxy evolution and galactic dynamics.
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Max Lindqvist / Template Latex
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Frank Berghaus / OpenTofu
MIT LicenseUpdated -
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTurbulence Tools: Lagrangian and Eulerian