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Meisam Farzalipour Tabriz / LinkMedic
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseLink checker for HTML and ODF files
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Llamore: Large LAnguage MOdels for Reference Extraction - A tool to extract and evaluate references from free-form legal text using LLMs.
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ift / NIFTy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
nomad-lab / nomad-distro
OtherUpdated -
nomad-lab / nomad-FAIR
Apache License 2.0This project comprises all infrastructure related source-code, integrates all necessary parsers and auxiliary projects, and contains the necessary deployment and operation scripts of the current consolidated NOMAD repository and archive.
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nomad-lab / nomad-gui
Apache License 2.0Updated -
struphy-hub / struphy
MIT LicenseOpen-source Python package for geometric plasma simulations.
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GUI interface between tokamak data and transport codes. Developed first for the ASDEX-Upgrade shotfile system, it can now read IMAS data as input.