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nomad-lab / nomad-FAIR
Apache License 2.0This project comprises all infrastructure related source-code, integrates all necessary parsers and auxiliary projects, and contains the necessary deployment and operation scripts of the current consolidated NOMAD repository and archive.
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struphy-hub / struphy
MIT LicenseOpen-source Python package for geometric plasma simulations.
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Binder-compatible repository for the MPCDF Python for HPC course.
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Alexander Bock / DYT
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ift / NIFTy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Daniel Boeckenhoff / w7x
MIT LicenseThe w7x package is a simulation framework that defines interfaces for simulation codes with interchangeable backends, computation pipelines in a directed acyclic graph that communicate via a central state.
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FHI Theory / kmos3
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyKinetic Modeling of Stripes, Surfaces, and Solids (kmos3): Lattice based kinetic Monte Carlo with a python front-end and Fortran back-end.
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Beata Turonova / GAPSTOP_TM
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGPU-Accelerated Python STOPgap for Template Matching is an open-source SW for fast template matching (TM) in cryo electron tomograms that is based on TM routines from STOPGAP.
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gvec-group / gvec_to_python
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ift / resolve
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyBayesian calibration and imaging for data from radio telescopes.
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Volker Springel / Arepo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterAREPO is a parallel moving-mesh code for hydrodynamical cosmological simulations. It is a flexible code that can be applied to a variety of different types of simulations, offering a variety of physics solvers and postprocessing algorithms.
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Volker Springel / Gadget4
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGADGET-4 is a parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code meant for simulations of cosmic structure formation and calculations relevant for galaxy evolution and galactic dynamics.
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King Chun Lai / Descriptor Embedding and Clustering for Atomisitic-environment Framework
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalAn implementation of the presented framework in an article in J. Chem. Phys. 2023 (accepted DOI: 10.1063/5.0160369), Manuscript title: A Fuzzy Classification Framework to Identify Equivalent Atoms in Complex Materials and Molecules.
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gvec-group / map2disc
MIT LicenseA python library to map arbitrary, simply connected domains to the unit disc, useful for constructing boundary conforming coordinates. In addition this package includes classes to describe and compute Zernike Polynomials.
This library relies on the boundary integral methods provided by pybie2d and is intended to be used for a new initialization option for GVEC.
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GUI interface between tokamak data and transport codes. Developed first for the ASDEX-Upgrade shotfile system, it can now read IMAS data as input.