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struphy-hub / struphy
MIT LicenseOpen-source Python package for geometric plasma simulations.
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nomad-lab / nomad-distro
OtherUpdated -
GUI interface between tokamak data and transport codes. Developed first for the ASDEX-Upgrade shotfile system, it can now read IMAS data as input.
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MPIfR-BDG / edd_dependencies / pulsar / dspsr
Academic Free License v2.1Updated -
Daniel Boeckenhoff / rna
MIT LicenseExpansion of the built in or other modules. Can be built upon (e.g. git subtree) by other modules in order to easily have a setup.py, Makefile and more.
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MPIfR-BDG / edd_dependencies / pulsar / psrchive
Academic Free License v2.1Updated -
Mirror of git.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:ImageProc/ImageProc-core.git
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phoenix / PIM
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
MPIfR-BDG / edd_dependencies / pulsar / calceph
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
Max Lindqvist / struphy-max
MIT LicenseOpen-source Python package for geometric plasma simulations.
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Unified package that contains atomic-features from various sources like pymatgen,mendeleev etc. can be imported into Jupyter-notebook for performing various machine learning studies
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LEFTfield / release / LEFTfield
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Binder-compatible repository for the MPCDF Python for HPC course.
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Daniel Boeckenhoff / w7x
MIT LicenseThe w7x package is a simulation framework that defines interfaces for simulation codes with interchangeable backends, computation pipelines in a directed acyclic graph that communicate via a central state.
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mpcdf / training / CMake Recipes
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sebastian Eibl / CMake Recipes
MIT LicenseUpdated