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mpdl-bloxberg / bloxberg-validators-metadata
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
mpdl-bloxberg / certify-tools
MIT LicenseUpdated -
mpdl-bloxberg / certify-app
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyWith bloxberg, research claims need not be limited to one institution alone, but can be confirmed by the whole trusted network. Additionally, researchers can leverage bloxberg to create a transparent footprint of their work, without revealing its content. You can then generate a certificate that proves you uploaded this data at a certain time, therefore protecting you from being scooped or IP stolen.
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Frank Berghaus / Binderhub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdatedUpdated -
Helge Rottmann / M87 simulator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Nicolas Fabas / ckan-import
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
James Darby / nomad-FAIR
Apache License 2.0This project comprises all infrastructure related source-code, integrates all necessary parsers and auxiliary projects, and contains the necessary deployment and operation scripts of the current consolidated NOMAD repository and archive.
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A web app to monitor currently online validators and compare their up times on graphs
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mpibr / schu / syndive
MIT LicenseUpdated -
mpdl-bloxberg / faucet
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Tom Dwelly / lsview
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Tom Dwelly / speccy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySpeccy - A dynamic spectrum+template viewer
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