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Pavel Kus / elpa
OtherEigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Apllications (ELPA), please see elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de
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This is a project for getting started with gitlab CI
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Laszlo Szucs / raytrace
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterExample code for computing column density and visual extinction on a grid and mapping it onto a HealPix map. IDL and Fortran algorithms are given in this example.
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Sebastian Ohlmann / fdep
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Lorenz Huedepohl / fdep
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Nikolay Bogdanov / OpenMolcas
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
This is a fork of the ALCHEMIC astrochemical modelling code (Semenov et al. 2010). The code is adapted to model the chemical evolution of SPH trajectories from hydrodynamic molecular cloud simulations, using complex chemical networks.
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Producer/Consumer project template for python3 with LabVIEW template in mind.
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Various tools in MATLAB for solving problems associated with the Vlasov equation.
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Sebastian Ohlmann / elpa
OtherEigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Apllications (ELPA), please see elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de
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Florian Knoop / hilde
BSD Zero Clause LicenseUpdated -
mpcdf / pvs
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
An object oriented FORTRAN library for domain decomposition with halo exchange by MPI
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Wenzhe Yu / elpa
OtherEigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Apllications (ELPA), please see elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de