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nomad-lab / normalizer-band-structure
Apache License 2.0Normalizes the band structure
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nomad-lab / parser-mopac
Apache License 2.0MOPAC parser for the NOMAD Laboratory
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nomad-lab / parser-abinit
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
nomad-lab / parser-quasi-harmonic-properties
Apache License 2.0Parser for quasi harmonic properties
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local version of https://github.com/atztogo/phonopy with some fixes not yet in the upstream
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nomad-lab / parser-phonopy
Apache License 2.0Recongnize, extract and analyze phonopy calculations in the NOMAD lab
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nomad-lab / nomad-lab-base
Apache License 2.0Base layer of the nomad laboratory: parsers, conversion layer,...
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Archived 0Updated
nomad-lab / parser-turbomole
Apache License 2.0NOMAD Laboratory parser for the TURBOMOLE program
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nomad-lab / parser-dftb-plus
Apache License 2.0NOMAD Laborarory CoE parser for DFTB+
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Archived 1Updated
This repository contains the scripts needed to perform MAGIC+LST analysis with ctapipe.
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Ievgen Vovk / ctapipe-mpp
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensectapipe development repository for the MPP team
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This module implements the ctapipe EventSource for MAGIC calibrated data.
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