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Commit 9c2908a4 authored by Federico's avatar Federico
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added Alfven wave 1D test

parent 0444abba
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""" @package ./examples/alfven_wave_1d/
Code that checks results of 1d Alfven wave propagation problem
created by Alessandro Stenghel and Federico Marinacci,
last modified 13.7.2020 -- comments welcome
""" load libraries """
import sys # system specific calls
import numpy as np # scientific computing package
import h5py # hdf5 format
import os # file specific calls
simulation_directory = str(sys.argv[1])
print("alfven_wave_1d: checking simulation output in directory " + simulation_directory)
FloatType = np.float64 # double precision: np.float64, for single use np.float32
IntType = np.int32 # integer type
makeplots = True
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
if sys.argv[2] == "True":
makeplots = True
makeplots = False
""" open initial conditiions to get parameters """
data = h5py.File(simulation_directory + "/ics.hdf5", "r")
print("could not open initial conditions!")
Boxsize = FloatType(data["Header"].attrs["BoxSize"])
NumberOfCells = np.int32(data["Header"].attrs["NumPart_Total"][0])
""" maximum L1 error after two propagations """
DeltaMaxAllowed = 1e-4 * FloatType(NumberOfCells)**-2
""" initial state -- copied from """
density_0 = FloatType(1.0)
velocity_0 = FloatType(0.0)
pressure_0 = FloatType(1.0)
gamma = FloatType(5.0) / FloatType(3.0)
gamma_minus_one = gamma - FloatType(1.0)
delta = FloatType(1e-6) # relative velocity perturbation
uthermal_0 = pressure_0 / density_0 / gamma_minus_one
bfield_0= FloatType(1.0)
k_z = FloatType(2.0*np.pi)
omega = bfield_0*k_z/np.sqrt(density_0)
loop over all output files; need to be at times when analytic
solution equals the initial conditions
i_file = 0
status = 0
error_data = []
while True:
""" try to read in snapshot """
directory = simulation_directory+"/output/"
filename = "snap_%03d.hdf5" % (i_file)
data = h5py.File(directory+filename, "r")
""" get simulation data """
## simulation data
time = FloatType(data['Header'].attrs['Time'])
Pos = np.array(data["PartType0"]["CenterOfMass"], dtype = FloatType)
Density = np.array(data["PartType0"]["Density"], dtype = FloatType)
Mass = np.array(data["PartType0"]["Masses"], dtype = FloatType)
Velocity = np.array(data["PartType0"]["Velocities"], dtype = FloatType)
Uthermal = np.array(data["PartType0"]["InternalEnergy"], dtype = FloatType)
Bfield = np.array(data["PartType0"]["MagneticField"], dtype = FloatType)/FloatType(np.sqrt(4.0*np.pi))
Volume = Mass / Density
Pressure = gamma_minus_one*Density*Uthermal
""" calculate analytic solution at cell positions """
Density_ref = np.full(Pos.shape[0], density_0, dtype=FloatType)
Velocity_ref = np.zeros(Pos.shape, dtype=FloatType)
Pressure_ref = np.full(Pos.shape[0], pressure_0, dtype=FloatType)
Bfield_ref = np.zeros(Pos.shape, dtype=FloatType)
## perturbations
Velocity_ref[:,0] = velocity_0
Velocity_ref[:,1] = delta*np.sin(k_z*Pos[:,0]-omega*time)
Velocity_ref[:,2] = delta*np.cos(k_z*Pos[:,0]-omega*time)
Bfield_ref[:,0] = bfield_0
Bfield_ref[:,1] = -k_z*bfield_0/omega*Velocity_ref[:,1]
Bfield_ref[:,2] = -k_z*bfield_0/omega*Velocity_ref[:,2]
""" compare data """
## density
abs_delta_dens = np.abs(Density - Density_ref)
L1_dens = np.average(abs_delta_dens, weights=Volume)
## velocity
abs_delta_vel_y = np.abs(Velocity - Velocity_ref)[:,1]
L1_vel_y = np.average(abs_delta_vel_y, weights=Volume)
abs_delta_vel_z = np.abs(Velocity - Velocity_ref)[:,2]
L1_vel_z = np.average(abs_delta_vel_z, weights=Volume)
## magnetic field
abs_delta_bfield_y = np.abs(Bfield -Bfield_ref)[:,1]
L1_bfield_y = np.average(abs_delta_bfield_y, weights=Volume)
abs_delta_bfield_z = np.abs(Bfield -Bfield_ref)[:,2]
L1_bfield_z = np.average(abs_delta_bfield_z, weights=Volume)
## pressure
abs_delta_pressure = np.abs(Pressure-Pressure_ref)
L1_pressure = np.average(abs_delta_pressure, weights=Volume)
""" printing results """
print("alfven_wave_1d: L1 error of " + filename +":")
print("\t density: %g" % L1_dens)
print("\t velocity y: %g" % L1_vel_y)
print("\t velocity z: %g" % L1_vel_z)
print("\t magnetic field y: %g" % L1_bfield_y)
print("\t magnetic field z: %g" % L1_bfield_z)
print("\t pressure: %g" % L1_pressure)
print("\t tolerance: %g for %d cells" % (DeltaMaxAllowed, NumberOfCells) )
error_data.append(np.array([time, L1_dens, L1_vel_y, L1_vel_z, \
L1_bfield_y, L1_bfield_z, L1_pressure], dtype=FloatType))
""" criteria for failing the test """
if L1_dens > DeltaMaxAllowed or \
L1_vel_y > DeltaMaxAllowed or L1_vel_z > DeltaMaxAllowed or \
L1_bfield_y > DeltaMaxAllowed or L1_bfield_z > DeltaMaxAllowed or \
L1_pressure > DeltaMaxAllowed:
status = 1
if makeplots and i_file >= 0:
if not os.path.exists( simulation_directory+"/plots" ):
os.mkdir( simulation_directory+"/plots" )
# only import matplotlib if needed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot density
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
dx = Boxsize / FloatType(Pos.shape[0])
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Density_ref , 'k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Density, 'o-r', mec='r', mfc="None", label="Arepo" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Density" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_dens), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/density_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
# plot pressure
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Pressure_ref , 'k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Pressure, 'o-r', mec='r', mfc="None", label="Arepo" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Pressure" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_pressure), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/pressure_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
# plot velocities
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Velocity_ref[:,1] , ':k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution y" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Velocity[:,1] , 'o-m', mec='m', mfc="None", label="Arepo v y" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Velocity y" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_vel_y), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/velocityy_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Velocity_ref[:,2] , ':k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution z" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Velocity[:,2], 'o-c', mec='c', mfc="None", label="Arepo v z" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Velocity z" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_vel_z), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/velocityz_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
#plot Bfields
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Bfield_ref[:,1] , ':k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution y" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Bfield[:,1], 'o-m', mec='m', mfc="None", label="Arepo B y" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Magnetic Field y" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_bfield_y), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/bfieldy_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
f = plt.figure( figsize=(3.5,3.5) )
ax = plt.axes( [0.19, 0.12, 0.75, 0.75] )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Bfield_ref[:,2] , ':k', lw=0.7, label="Analytical solution z" )
ax.plot( Pos[:,0], Bfield[:,2], 'o-c', mec='c', mfc="None", label="Arepo B z" )
ax.set_xlim( 0, Boxsize )
ax.set_xlabel( "x" )
ax.set_ylabel( "Magnetic Field z" )
ax.legend( loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=8 )
ax.set_title( "$\mathrm{alfven\_wave\_1d:}\ \mathrm{N}=%d,\ \mathrm{L1}=%4.1e$" % (NumberOfCells,L1_bfield_z), loc='right', size=8 )
plt.ticklabel_format( axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0) )
f.savefig( simulation_directory+"plots/bfieldz_%02d.pdf"%(i_file) )
i_file += 1
#save L1 errors
np.savetxt(simulation_directory+"/error_%d.txt"%NumberOfCells, np.array(error_data))
""" normal exit """
""" @package examples/alfven_wave_1d/
Code that creates 1d Alfven wave test problem;
supposed to be as simple and self-contained as possible
created by Alessandro Stenghel and Federico Marinacci,
last modified 13.7.2020 -- comments welcome
""" load libraries """
import sys # system specific calls
import numpy as np # scientific computing package
import h5py # hdf5 format
simulation_directory = str(sys.argv[1])
print("examples/alfven_wave_1d/ creating ICs in directory " + simulation_directory)
""" initial condition parameters """
FilePath = simulation_directory + '/ics.hdf5'
## ensure calculations happen with predefined precision
FloatType = np.float64 # double precision: np.float64, for single use np.float32
IntType = np.int32 # integer type
## computational domain
Boxsize = FloatType(1.0)
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
NumberOfCells = IntType(sys.argv[3])
NumberOfCells = IntType(32)
## initial state
density_0 = FloatType(1.0)
velocity_0 = FloatType(0.0)
pressure_0 = FloatType(1.0)
gamma = FloatType(5.0) / FloatType(3.0)
gamma_minus_one = gamma - FloatType(1.0)
delta = FloatType(1e-6) # relative velocity perturbation
uthermal_0 = pressure_0 / density_0 / gamma_minus_one
bfield_0= FloatType(1.0)
k_z = 2*np.pi
omega = bfield_0*k_z/np.sqrt(density_0)
""" set up grid: uniform 1d grid """
## spacing
dx = Boxsize / FloatType(NumberOfCells)
## position of first and last cell
pos_first, pos_last = FloatType(0.5) * dx, Boxsize - FloatType(0.5) * dx
## set up grid
Pos = np.zeros([NumberOfCells, 3], dtype=FloatType)
Pos[:,0] = np.linspace(pos_first, pos_last, NumberOfCells, dtype=FloatType)
Volume = np.full(NumberOfCells, dx, dtype=FloatType)
""" set up magnetohydrodynamical quantitites """
## set up unperturbed system; density, velocity and specific internal energy
Density = np.full(Pos.shape[0], density_0, dtype=FloatType)
Velocity = np.zeros(Pos.shape, dtype=FloatType)
Uthermal = np.full(Pos.shape[0], uthermal_0, dtype=FloatType)
Bfield = np.zeros(Pos.shape, dtype=FloatType)
## perturbations
Velocity[:,0] = velocity_0
Velocity[:,1] = delta*np.sin(k_z*Pos[:,0])
Velocity[:,2] = delta*np.cos(k_z*Pos[:,0])
Uthermal *= (Density / density_0)**gamma_minus_one
Bfield[:,0] = bfield_0
Bfield[:,1] = -k_z*bfield_0/omega*Velocity[:,1]
Bfield[:,2] = -k_z*bfield_0/omega*Velocity[:,2]
## mass instead of density needed for input
Mass = Density * Volume
""" write *.hdf5 file; minimum number of fields required by Arepo """
IC = h5py.File(FilePath, 'w') # open/create file
## create hdf5 groups
header = IC.create_group("Header") # create header group
part0 = IC.create_group("PartType0") # create particle group for gas cells
## write header entries
NumPart = np.array([NumberOfCells, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=IntType)
header.attrs.create("NumPart_ThisFile", NumPart)
header.attrs.create("NumPart_Total", NumPart)
header.attrs.create("NumPart_Total_HighWord", np.zeros(6, dtype=IntType) )
header.attrs.create("MassTable", np.zeros(6, dtype=IntType) )
header.attrs.create("Time", 0.0)
header.attrs.create("Redshift", 0.0)
header.attrs.create("BoxSize", Boxsize)
header.attrs.create("NumFilesPerSnapshot", 1)
header.attrs.create("Omega0", 0.0)
header.attrs.create("OmegaB", 0.0)
header.attrs.create("OmegaLambda", 0.0)
header.attrs.create("HubbleParam", 1.0)
header.attrs.create("Flag_Sfr", 0)
header.attrs.create("Flag_Cooling", 0)
header.attrs.create("Flag_StellarAge", 0)
header.attrs.create("Flag_Metals", 0)
header.attrs.create("Flag_Feedback", 0)
if Pos.dtype == np.float64:
header.attrs.create("Flag_DoublePrecision", 1)
header.attrs.create("Flag_DoublePrecision", 0)
## write cell data
part0.create_dataset("ParticleIDs", data=np.arange(1, NumberOfCells+1) )
part0.create_dataset("Coordinates", data=Pos)
part0.create_dataset("Masses", data=Mass)
part0.create_dataset("Velocities", data=Velocity)
part0.create_dataset("InternalEnergy", data=Uthermal)
part0.create_dataset("MagneticField", data=Bfield*np.sqrt(4*np.pi)) #conversion Lorentz System->Gaussian System
## close file
""" normal exit """
......@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ int init(void)
P[i].Pos[1] = 0.0;
P[i].Pos[2] = 0.0;
P[i].Vel[1] = 0.0;
P[i].Vel[2] = 0.0;
#endif /* #ifdef ONEDIMS */
......@@ -180,7 +178,6 @@ int init(void)
for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
P[i].Pos[2] = 0;
P[i].Vel[2] = 0;
#endif /* #ifdef TWODIMS */
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ TESTS+="shocktube_1d "
TESTS+="interacting_blastwaves_1d "
TESTS+="mhd_shocktube_1d "
TESTS+="polytrope_1d_spherical "
TESTS+="alfwen_wave_1d "
## available 2d examples
TESTS+="gresho_2d "
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