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Commit 39d4e583 authored by Federico's avatar Federico
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added config and param files for the Alfven wave test

parent d6aae5c9
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#!/bin/bash # this line only there to enable syntax highlighting in this file
## examples/alfven_wave_1d/
## config file for 1d Alfven wave probelm
#--------------------------------------- Basic operation mode of code
ONEDIMS # 1d simulation
#--------------------------------------- Magnetohydrodynamics
MHD # Master switch for magnetohydrodynamics
MHD_POWELL # Powell div(B) cleaning scheme for magnetohydrodynamics
MHD_POWELL_LIMIT_TIMESTEP # Timestep constraint due to Powell cleaning scheme
#--------------------------------------- Riemann solver
RIEMANN_HLLD # HLLD approximate Riemann solver (required to use for MHD)
#--------------------------------------- Mesh motion and regularization
REGULARIZE_MESH_CM_DRIFT # Mesh regularization; Move mesh generating point towards center of mass to make cells rounder.
REGULARIZE_MESH_FACE_ANGLE # Use maximum face angle as roundness criterion in mesh regularization
#--------------------------------------- Time integration options
FORCE_EQUAL_TIMESTEPS # variable but global timestep
#--------------------------------------- Single/Double Precision
DOUBLEPRECISION=1 # Mode of double precision: not defined: single; 1: full double precision 2: mixed, 3: mixed, fewer single precisions; unless short of memory, use 1.
INPUT_IN_DOUBLEPRECISION # initial conditions are in double precision
OUTPUT_CENTER_OF_MASS # output centers of cells
#--------------------------------------- Output/Input options
HAVE_HDF5 # needed when HDF5 I/O support is desired (recommended)
#--------------------------------------- Testing and Debugging options
DEBUG # enables core-dumps
%% examples/alfven_wave_1d.txt
% parameter file for 1d Alfven wave problem
InitCondFile ics
ICFormat 3
OutputDir output/
SnapshotFileBase snap
SnapFormat 3
NumFilesPerSnapshot 1
NumFilesWrittenInParallel 1
ResubmitOn 0
ResubmitCommand my-scriptfile
OutputListFilename ol
OutputListOn 0
CoolingOn 0
StarformationOn 0
Omega0 0.0
OmegaBaryon 0.0
OmegaLambda 0.0
HubbleParam 1.0
BoxSize 1.0
PeriodicBoundariesOn 1
ComovingIntegrationOn 0
MaxMemSize 1500
TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.0
CpuTimeBetRestartFile 9000
TimeLimitCPU 90000
TimeBetStatistics 0.005
TimeBegin 0.0
TimeMax 2.0
TimeBetSnapshot 0.25
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1.0
UnitLength_in_cm 1.0
UnitMass_in_g 1.0
GravityConstantInternal 0.0
ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.1
ErrTolTheta 0.1
ErrTolForceAcc 0.1
MaxSizeTimestep 0.1
MinSizeTimestep 1e-10
CourantFac 0.3
LimitUBelowThisDensity 0.0
LimitUBelowCertainDensityToThisValue 0.0
DesNumNgb 64
MultipleDomains 2
TopNodeFactor 4
ActivePartFracForNewDomainDecomp 0.5
MaxNumNgbDeviation 2
TypeOfTimestepCriterion 1
TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1
GasSoftFactor 0.01
SofteningComovingType0 0.1
SofteningComovingType1 0.1
SofteningComovingType2 0.1
SofteningComovingType3 0.1
SofteningComovingType4 0.1
SofteningComovingType5 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType0 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType1 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType2 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType3 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType4 0.1
SofteningMaxPhysType5 0.1
SofteningTypeOfPartType0 0
SofteningTypeOfPartType1 0
SofteningTypeOfPartType2 0
SofteningTypeOfPartType3 0
SofteningTypeOfPartType4 0
SofteningTypeOfPartType5 0
InitGasTemp 0.0
MinGasTemp 0.0
MinEgySpec 0.0
MinimumDensityOnStartUp 0.0
CellShapingSpeed 0.5
CellMaxAngleFactor 2.25
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