Vitaly Wirthl authoredVitaly Wirthl authored
readme.txt 2.63 KiB
This code makes an analysis of the hydrogen 2S-6P condesed data set following the procedure described in README of the 'h2s6p2019condensed' dataset written by Lothar. In the config.py file one can set different options: - use_comb_freq sets the option whether to analyze the blind frequencies or calculate the unblinded laser frequency given the AOM frequencies and the frequency comb counter data - plot_comb_freq sets the option whether to plot the laser frequencies for each day or not (~1min extra time for plotting) - correct_for_maser sets the option whether to correct the laser frequencies by the maser drift - plot_individual_maser_days sets the option whether to plot the maser data for each day or not (~1min extra time for plotting) With the Array datagroups = ['G1A', ... ] one can choose which datagroups to include in the analysis (all datagroups are included per default) LFSgroups = ['G13','G14'] specifies which datagroups are used for light force shift measurement, such that the VoigtDoublet will be fitted for these datagroups. FS6P32groups = ['G7A','G7B','G8','G9','G10','G11','G12'] specifies the datagroups for the 2S-6P32 fine-structure component (other datagroups are 2S-6P12). Then there are settings for the results folder structure. In order to run the analysis, one simply needs to run the file run_analysis_datagroups.py, which runs subsequently the relevant scripts contained in the scripts folder. The results are then produced in the results folder: - in results/comb all the frequency comb data for laser frequency determination is analyzed/plotted - in results/maser the analysis of the maser data is saved - in results/H2S6P_fits the fits for all line scans are saved - in results/H2S6P_plots the plots for individual datagroups and the average are saved - in results/H2S6P_values the averages of datagroups and the final results are saved Depending on the switched use_comb_freq and correct_for_maser, all results/H2S6P... folders have the substructure of - blind: blind analysis - comb_freq: unblinded laser frequency analyis without maser correction - comb_freq_maser_corr: unblinded laser frequency analyis with maser correction All code in this analysis has been written redundantly by Vitaly with following exceptions: - in scripts/fitfunctions.py the derivatives of the Voigt and VoigtDoublet functions Df_Voigt(x, *p) Df_VoigtDoublet(x, *p) have been taken from Lothars package. - in scripts/statisticsfunctions.py some helpful statistics functions were copied from Lothars analysis package, but these have been checked separately - scripts/sim_plts_thesis.py uses the nice plotting settings script from Lothar (only slightly modified)