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Modification at Particles5D marker array indexing.

Byung Kyu Na requested to merge fix_weight_update_5D into devel

Core changes:

  • The index of Particles5D marker array is modified as follows (Particles6D are unchanged)


    ===== ============== ========== ============= ======= ====== ====== ==========
    index  | 0 | 1 | 2 |  3            4            5       6       7    >=8
    ===== ============== ========== ============= ======= ====== ====== ==========
    value position (eta) v_parallel magn. moment  weight   s0     w0    additional
    ===== ============== ========== ============= ======= ====== ====== ==========  


    ===== ============== ========== ====== ======= ====== ====== ====== ============ ================ ===========
    index  | 0 | 1 | 2 |     3        4       5      6      7      8          9             10            >=11
    ===== ============== ========== ====== ======= ====== ====== ====== ============ ================= ==========
    value position (eta) v_parallel v_perp  weight   s0     w0   E_perp magn. moment toro. can. moment additional
    ===== ============== ========== ====== ======= ====== ====== ====== ============ ================= ==========  
  • In order to efficiently calculate time dependent distribution function f, it is better to keep having the v_\perp in addition to magnetic moment \mu.

  • To prepare the implementation of canonical Maxwellian distribution and further diagnostics for guiding center dynamic, 3 additional indices of marker array are assigned to the 3 constant of motions of guiding center dynamic, namely \epsilon energy, \mu magnetic moment and \psi_c canonical toroidal momentum.

  • New property (abstractmethod) bufferindex is added at Particles class. It indicates the starting buffer marker index number. Currently, it is 9 for Particles6D and 11 for Particles5D.

Edited by Byung Kyu Na

Merge request reports