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Implement GVEC interface `template_gvec` and a new `kind_map` "cuboid slice".

Stefan Possanner requested to merge template_gvec into devel


  1. Plot iota and q profiles as absolute values.
  2. Add interface in template_gvec.
  3. Move diagnostics to tests
  4. Modify into a test_ function.
  5. Remove unused 1D profiles, and rename interface for toroidal and poloidal flux in template_gvec.
  6. Implement new kind_map "cuboid slice".
  7. Basic support of source_domain in GVEC's equilibrium_MHD interface.
  8. Support source_domain transforms of geometric terms.
  9. Rename all "profile" to "variable" in gvec_to_python package.
  10. Provide derivatives of toroidal and poloidal fluxes in template_gvec.
  11. Update
  12. Fix matrix multiplication in template_gvec's equilibrium_MHD.
  13. Update GitLab CI's image from python:latest to python:3.9-bullseye.
  14. Create test for template_gvec.
  15. Reference updated GVEC equilibrium data in code.
  16. Fix pyccel not recognizing tuple unpacking.


  1. Fix blowing up MHD variables near s=0 due to derivatives of splines (dphi/ds, dchi/ds) not clamped to zero, by (a) using analytic toroidal flux, or (b) read the derivatives directly as profiles, or (c) add clamp condition to solve for a new set of DoF.
  2. Fix equilibrium current in template_gvec's equilibrium_MHD interface, after the above is fixed.

Merge request reports