v1.0.018f17013 · ·
Release v1.0.0 - Enhanced Docker Environment with Geant4, ROOT, and GEARS Support Major Enhancements: - Introduced base image as Bitnami Minideb (Debian Bookworm) in Dockerfile. - Augmented Dockerfile with stages for building Geant4 and ROOT, allowing version specification and multithreading options. - Incorporated options to include GEARS in Geant4 builds. - Introduced separate Dockerfiles for building Geant4 and ROOT independently. - Simplified binary building process with dedicated build scripts for Geant4 and ROOT. - Extensively revised README.md to detail the container building process, execution, and example compilations. Significance: This release brings forth considerable improvements to the Docker environment, enhancing user flexibility in controlling Geant4 and ROOT versions. It also introduces options for GEARS inclusion and multithreading. The documentation provides comprehensive guidance on the new features and functionalities.