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Added Marks list for XPS tools, filled in missing pieces to the best of my...

Markus Kuehbach requested to merge tool-list-xps into develop

Added Marks list for XPS tools, filled in missing pieces to the best of my knowledge, Mark mentioned that his importance ranking scale goes from 1 to 10 with 10 representing the most important tool. A key comment is that mainly the parsing should be translated. Might need to have here a parser specialist and domain expert working together. From this list it seems that vendor lock-in in this community is even the most severe of all five techniques. Isnt the analysis part "just" mainly very sophisticated peak fitting of spectra, i.e. counts over energy, why are there so many tools? Is there a community incentive to develop an open tool, I mean peak-fitting is exactly what the open-source tools have become strong at.

Merge request reports
