Discussion of development of automated translation of YAML to NXDL
Tamas, Markus, and I decided to bring our concerns into this issue and document our discussion to let this idea develop properly. A few points have been mentioned by Markus in the following comment: #56 (comment 101206)
@tamha @kuehbachm Please shine light on the hurdles you faced and what suggestions you have to help automate this. Or even get rid of the middleman tool and use some other automation mechanism to help others who will build an NXDL.
Some other links shared in the meeting: https://manual.nexusformat.org/classes/base_classes/index.html#base-class-definitions https://github.com/nexusformat/definitions/blob/main/applications/NXarpes.nxdl.xml
A comment from Tamas was if there is a tool @Sandor which enables to import all NeXus classes as Python objects, so that we could experiment on how to at least implement a keyword/synonym mapping tool which takes keywords from the yaml and supports with finding suitable NeXus classes. This would cut development time because one does not have to search online. So a XML 2 Py dict tool which can crawl over all NXDL files would be useful.
We decided for now to postpone until Monday that somebody inspects the yaml and maps manually to NeXus like we did for EM. Mainly to remain inclusive and offer everybody to learn with a similar pace.