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Draft: add nexus files and upload python script

Ron Hildebrandt requested to merge add_raman_rod_files into develop

I used the Raman Open Database to parse the .rod files to .nxs files. In total there are 1131 Experimental .rod files. The downloading of all files was done with these files and scripts. The dataconversion of the .rod files to .nxs files was enabled with this PR in pynxtools-raman.

Here is a set of files, which was uploaded and published in Nomad Oasis (testing). grafik

Here is an example .nxs file preview from this Raman Open Database entry: grafik

An entrypoint in pynxtools-raman allowed to add this additional app: grafik

Which displays all avaialble Raman Data like this: grafik

The MR adds some example NeXus files for demonstration and the script to upload and publish these files.

Not sure how the procedure is exactly with respect to publishing this in Nomad.

Merge request reports
