Integrate metrics to logtransfer
Add a new class Statistics
which is a thread process that regularly (currently daily) collects metrics/statistics and includes these into the logs from an Oasis such that they are eventually transferred to logstash on central.
The Statistics internally calls the info/ (FastAPI endpoint), collects the statistics and sends them to the logstash (proxy) server. It should be rather easy to include more statistics, e.g. queries to elastic search or mongodb).
Prefix for the statistics -- currently a "stats_" is prefixed to each entry -- would it be better to add an identifying field to the json? -
Run only the Statistics service (i.e. without logstash proxy, and let this run on central -- this includes the central statistics in the same format to the ES index)
Closes #1705 (closed)
Related: #886 (closed)
(old issues #820 (closed) )
Edited by Daniel Lehmberg