Optimade 1.0.0
End of June there will be a release of optimade 1.0.0. Shortly after release, we will check our implementation again.
- there will be a new version of Optimade 0.10.1, we need to check if we upgrade (https://github.com/Materials-Consortia/OPTIMADE)
- the optimade tools sports a validator now, we need to try this and make sure we comply (https://github.com/Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools)
- there is a registry of optimade supporting database, we need to update the nomad record there (https://github.com/Materials-Consortia/providers)
- there is an optimade client, we should make sure that nomad is accessible there (https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/aiidalab/aiidalab-optimade/pure_jupyter_version?urlpath=%2Fapps%2FOPTIMADE_general.ipynb)
- we should support all the endpoints (which we don't). especially links and structures.
Edited by Markus Scheidgen