Moved FitsWriter from KATCP to aiokatcp; Generalized spectrum plotter for...
- Refactor from katcp -> aiokatcp / tornado -> asyncio 2e483412
- FitsInterface
- HDF5Writer /HDF5FileWriter
- MockFitsWriter
- SensorWatchdog
- Generalized plotting for GS 228900e3
- The same bandpass plotter is used in FitsInterface and HDF5Writer
- No plotting config is required anymore (removed from the DEFAULT_CONFIG)
- New real-time plotting feature using Redis (GSPlotter-Pipeline) b7ec40a0
- New fits sub-module containing receiver, sending, stream and packet description 04022e10
- Gated Spectrometer - Error state on 100% buffer fill level 16068311
- SKAMPI Telescope Status Server - Try reconnecting to katportal after broken pipe 2f20dcd6
- Dropped Support for SKARAB Client and firmware bc492e2e
- Improved exception handling for asyncio coroutines 90b0eb57
- Testing
- Tests for the fits-module (new/improved)
- Tests for Redis JSON sender (new)
- Tests for HDF5Writer (improved)
- Minor bug fixes, Pylint, resolve deprecation warning
Generalized spectrum plotter for fitsinterface and hdf5writer; Added FitsWriter to state tests; Added missing dependencies to pyproject.toml