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Coding sprint December 2020

Alessio Berti requested to merge dev-coding-sprint-dec2020 into master

Please don't push directly to this branch but open single merge requests with this branch as target, see below.

This branch is used as target branch for the changes that will be implemented during the Coding Sprint in December 2020. Some notes:

  • issue with a list of tasks for the coding sprint: #19
  • please for each task, if needed, create a separate issue in this repository and link it in the general one (#19)
  • to ease development:
    • if you are working on a task alone, you can either create a personal fork of magic-cta-pipe repository, and create a development branch there, or create directly a branch in magic-cta-pipe repository. The second approach works only if you have writing access to magic-cta-pipe repository, otherwise you have to use the first method.
    • if you are working on a task with someone else, you can create a development branch starting from the dev-coding-sprint-dec2020 branch (since it is the one where all changes will be merged, before doing a single big merge into master)
  • when you are done with a task, please open a merge request. Be careful in choosing the source branch, either from your forked repository, or a branch in this repository (see previous point). The target branch should be the dev-coding-sprint-dec2020 branch. Describe briefly the changes made in the description of the merge request. Assign someone of the other developers to the merge request, the code will be reviewed before merging. If needed, other changes will be requested before merging.
  • when a merge request is approved, close the corresponding issue(s) (unless they are closed automatically when merging) and update the general issue #19

When the coding sprint will end, this merge request will be updated (WIP prefix removed) and merged into the master branch.

Edited by Alessio Berti

Merge request reports
