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  • Volker Blum's avatar
    VB: Added option to read in controlling parameters for the test*.f90 programs · 009323b9
    Volker Blum authored
        at runtime.
        If no input file is supplied when running any of the test* programs, the
        programs run with compiled-in default values as before.
        Optionally, a file '' can be supplied. In that case,
        each test* program checks for valid replacement parameters in the following format
        na 7000
        nev 3000
        nblk 32
        - the order of lines does not matter
        - any, all or none of the specified lines need be present
        - na is the marix dimension for which the test is run
        - nev is the number of desired eigenvalue/eigenvector pairs
        - nblk is the algorithmic block size, usually a relatively small number
          16, 32, 64 . Unreasonable values should be avoied, please check first.
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