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Compute Uint from time-averaged energy

Lukas Bentkamp requested to merge bugfix/average-Uint into develop

In, both time-dependent integral velocity Uint(t) and averaged integral velocity Uint are computed. So far Uint=<Uint(t)>, where <> is a time-average. It might be more common to instead compute energy=<energy(t)> and then use Uint=sqrt(2*energy/3).

I tested this for a set of stationary simulations. The difference is very slight: Previously:

Rlambda = [ 59.82527534  72.59297539  80.16412996  85.47906881  90.26781386
  92.3196589   96.58668253  99.14463083 100.85668077 102.93845416
 103.41286239 106.38760229 107.45911385 109.19369953 109.60041695
 111.48464369 113.4161075  113.44344872 116.70936876 116.4221249
 118.10234642 119.87978142 120.18360381 134.019079   154.17557626


Rlambda = [ 59.83924367  72.60373282  80.18052247  85.50423767  90.28926146
  92.33381751  96.60806008  99.15791885 100.87778654 102.95101777
 103.42714578 106.40808579 107.48830375 109.20978956 109.62526639
 111.501744   113.43822281 113.46402264 116.72748148 116.44870981
 118.13622209 119.91338466 120.20334813 134.03655029 154.21000369

Please check whether this is the most common way to do this!

Edited by Lukas Bentkamp

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