... | ... | @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ script. |
| ElectronAbundance | NE | | Electron number density relative to hydrogen (``COOLING``) |
| NeutralHydrogenAbundance | NH | | Neutral hydrogen fraction (``COOLING``) |
| StarFormationRate | SFR | $`M_\odot`$ yr$`^{-1}`$ | Star formation rate (``USE_SFR``) |
| VelocityDivergence | DIVV | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`h`$ | Velocity divergence (``OUTPUT_DIVVEL``) |
| VelocityCurl | ROTV | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`h`$ | Rotation of velocity (``OUTPUT_CURLVEL``) |
| VelocityDivergence | DIVV | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`h`$ | Velocity divergence, SUM(w*area)/Volume (``OUTPUT_DIVVEL``) |
| VelocityCurl | ROTV | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`h`$ | Rotation of velocity, proper velocity incl. Hubble flow, gradient with respect to comoving coordinates (``OUTPUT_CURLVEL``) |
| CoolingHeatingEnergy | COHE | $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`\text{UnitVelocity}^3`$ $`\text{UnitMass}`$ | Actual cooling rate, differing from nominal coolnig rate in star forming cells (``OUTPUT_COOLHEAT``) |
| SurfaceArea | AREA | $`\text{UnitLength}^2`$ $`a^2 \, h^{-2}`$ | Surface area of a Voronoi cell (``OUTPUT_SURFACE_AREA``) |
| NumFacesCell | NFAC | | Number of faces of a Voronoi cell (``OUTPUT_SURFACE_AREA``) |
... | ... | @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ script. |
| Vorticity | VORT | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`h`$ | Vorticity of a cell (``OUTPUT_VORTICITY``) |
| PressureGradient | GRAP | $`\text{UnitLength}^{-4}`$ $`\text{UnitMass}`$ $`\text{UnitVelocity}^2`$ $`a^{-4} \, h^3`$ | Gradient of the pressure (limited) (``OUTPUT_PRESSURE_GRADIENT``) |
| DensityGradient | GRAR | $`\text{UnitLength}^{-4}`$ $`\text{UnitMass}`$ $`a^{-4} \, h^3`$ | Gradient of the density (limited) (``OUTPUT_DENSITY_GRADIENT``) |
| VelocityGradient | GRAV | $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`h`$ | Gradient of the velocity (limited) (``OUTPUT_VELOCITY_GRADIENT``) |
| VelocityGradient | GRAV | $`\text{UnitLength}^{-1}`$ $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`h`$ | Gradient of the velocity (limited), proper velocity incl. Hubble flow, gradient with respect to comoving coordinates (``OUTPUT_VELOCITY_GRADIENT``) |
| BfieldGradient | GRAB | $`\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}`$ $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`\text{UnitLength}^{-5/2}`$ $`h^2 \, a^{-3}`$ | Gradient of the magnetic field (limited) (``OUTPUT_BFIELD_GRADIENT``) |
| Volume | VOL | $`\text{UnitLength}^3`$ $`a^3 \, h^{-3}`$ | (comoving) volume of gas cell. Can be calculated by Masses / Density. (``OUTPUT_VOLUME``) |
| VertexVelocity | VEVE | $`\text{UnitVelocity}`$ $`a^1`$ | velocity of the mesh-generating point (``OUTPUT_VERTEX_VELOCITY``) |
... | ... | |