# Diagnostic output
Arepo will not only output the simulation snapshot and reduced data via
the halo-finder files, but also a number of (mostly ascii) diagnostic log-
files which contian important information about the code performance and
runtime behavior.
In practice, to quickly check the performance of large
production runs, it is useful to check the ``timebins.txt``
and ``cpu.txt`` files. The former will give information how many simulation
elements are on which timestep, i.e. characteristics of the system
simulated, the latter provides information about the computational
time spent in each part of the code, which can be influenced to some
degree by the values of the code parameters.
For ongoing simulations, these can be checked via
.. code-block :: python
tail -n 30 timebins.txt
tail -n 200 cpu.txt
The standard output contains general information about the simulation status
and many of the main routines will print general information in it.
The output itself is mainly relevant for reconstructing what the simulation
did, which is needed e.g. for debugging purposes.
Output of fractional cpu time used in each individual step, optimized to be
machine readable (while cpu.txt is more human readable).
Symbol key
.. code-block :: python
total = '-' / '-'
treegrav = 'a' / ')'
treebuild = 'b' / '('
insert = 'c' / '*'
branches = 'd' / '&'
toplevel = 'e' / '^'
treecostm = 'f' / '%'
treewalk = 'g' / '$'
treewalk1 = 'h' / '#'
treewalk2 = 'i' / '@'
treebalsndrcv = 'j' / '!'
treeback = 'm' / '7'
treedirect = 'r' / '2'
pm_grav = 's' / '1'
ngbtreebuild = 't' / 'Z'
ngbtreevelupdate = 'u' / 'Y'
voronoi = 'v' / 'X'
insert = 'w' / 'W'
findpoints = 'x' / 'V'
cellcheck = 'y' / 'U'
geometry = 'z' / 'T'
exchange = 'A' / 'S'
dynamic = 'B' / 'R'
hydro = 'C' / 'Q'
gradients = 'D' / 'P'
fluxes = 'F' / 'N'
fluxcomm = 'H' / 'L'
updates = 'J' / 'j'
vertex vel = 'K' / 'I'
mhd = '4' / 'p'
domain = 'U' / 'y'
peano = 'V' / 'x'
drift/kicks = 'W' / 'w'
timeline = 'X' / 'v'
treetimesteps = 'Y' / 'u'
i/o = 'Z' / 't'
logs = '1' / 's'
sfrcool = '2' / 'r'
fof = '#' / 'h'
subfind = '$' / 'g'
refine = '%' / 'f'
mesh_derefine = '^' / 'e'
images = '&' / 'd'
initializ. = '*' / 'c'
restart = '(' / 'b'
misc = ')' / 'a'
.. code-block :: python
Step= 13147 sec= 0.212 Nsync-grv= 5181 Nsync-hyd=
342 dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttwwwwwxxzBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Step= 13148 sec= 0.001 Nsync-grv= 1 Nsync-hyd=
1 rvvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyzzzzzABBBDDFFFFFFFFHVVVVWWWYYY
Each sync-point, such a block is written. This file
reports the result of the different timers built into AREPO. Each
computationally expensive operation has a different timer attached to it and
this way allows to closely monitor what the computational time is spent on.
Some of the timers (e.g. treegrav) have sub-timers for individual operations.
This is denoted by the indentation hierarchy in the first column.
The distribution of these timings is highly problem dependent, but it is
possible to identify inefficient parts of the overall algorithm and optimize
only the most time-consuming parts of the code. There is the option
``OUTPUT_CPU_CSV`` which also returns this data as a ``cpu.csv`` file.
The different colums are:
name; wallclock-time (in s) this step; percentage this step; wallclock-time
(in s) cumulative; percentage up to this step. A typical block of cpu.txt looks
the following (here a gravity-only, tree-only run):
.. code-block :: python
Step 131, Time: 0.197266, CPUs: 1, MultiDomains: 8, HighestActiveTim
eBin: 20
diff cumulative
total 1.03 100.0% 99.22 100.0%
treegrav 1.00 97.6% 96.12 96.9%
treebuild 0.01 0.7% 0.76 0.8%
insert 0.00 0.5% 0.54 0.5%
branches 0.00 0.2% 0.21 0.2%
toplevel 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
treecostm 0.00 0.3% 0.30 0.3%
treewalk 0.99 96.5% 94.96 95.7%
treewalk1 0.99 96.5% 94.96 95.7%
treewalk2 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
treebalsndrcv 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
treeback 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
treedirect 0.00 0.0% 0.01 0.0%
ngbtreebuild 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
ngbtreevelupdate 0.00 0.0% 0.01 0.0%
voronoi 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
insert 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
findpoints 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
cellcheck 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
geometry 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
exchange 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
dynamic 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
hydro 0.00 0.0% 0.01 0.0%
gradients 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
fluxes 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
fluxcomm 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
updates 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
vertex vel 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
mhd 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
domain 0.01 1.4% 1.65 1.7%
peano 0.01 0.5% 0.59 0.6%
drift/kicks 0.00 0.4% 0.74 0.7%
timeline 0.00 0.0% 0.03 0.0%
treetimesteps 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
i/o 0.00 0.0% 0.03 0.0%
logs 0.00 0.0% 0.03 0.0%
sfrcool 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
refine 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
mesh_derefine 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
images 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
initializ. 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
restart 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
misc 0.00 0.0% 0.02 0.0%
The load-balancing (cpu work and memory) both in gravity and hydro calculation
are reported for each timebin individually. Reported every sync-point.
Ideally balanced runs have the value 1, the higher the value, the more
imbalanced the simulation.
.. code-block :: python
DOMAIN BALANCE, Sync-Point 13314, Time: 0.997486
Timebins: Gravity Hydro cumulative grav-balance
|bin=18 47268 26570 64920 m 1.000 | 1.000
1.000 | 1.000
|bin=16 12523 2399 17652 m 1.000 | 1.000
1.000 | 1.000
>|bin=14 5129 331 5129 m 1.000 | 1.000 *
1.000 | 1.000
BALANCE, LOAD: 1.000 1.000 1.000 WORK: 1.000
In specified intervals (in simulation time, specified by the parameter
`TimeBetStatistics`) the total energy and its components are computed and
written into `energy.txt`. This file also contains the cumulative energy
that had to be injected into the system to ensure positivity in thermal energy.
All output in code units. Note: this only works with up to 6 particle types.
The columns are
.. code-block :: python
1. simulation time/ scalefactor
2. total thermal energy
3. total potential energy
4. total kinetic energy
5. internal energy particle type 0
6. potential energy particle type 0
7. kinetic energy particle type 0
8. internal energy particle type 1
9. potential energy particle type 1
10. kinetic energy particle type 1
11. internal energy particle type 2
12. potential energy particle type 2
13. kinetic energy particle type 2
14. internal energy particle type 3
15. potential energy particle type 3
16. kinetic energy particle type 3
17. internal energy particle type 4
18. potential energy particle type 4
19. kinetic energy particle type 4
20. internal energy particle type 5
21. potential energy particle type 5
22. kinetic energy particle type 5
23. total mass in particle type 0
24. total mass in particle type 1
25. total mass in particle type 2
26. total mass in particle type 3
27. total mass in particle type 4
28. total mass in particle type 5
29. total injected energy due to positivity enforcement of thermal e
Two example lines:
.. code-block :: python
0.96967 3.29069e+06 0 4.27406e+07 3.29069e+06 0 1.65766e+06 0 0 3.93
02e+07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.78097e+06 0 0 0 503.489 3047.89 0 0 65.5756
0 7.71477
0.978903 3.28666e+06 0 4.18631e+07 3.28666e+06 0 1.67505e+06 0 0 3.8
4203e+07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.76774e+06 0 0 0 503.306 3047.89 0 0 65.75
86 0 7.71477
Every sync-point, the time-bins, time, timestep and number of active particles
are written into this file, e.g.
.. code-block :: python
Sync-Point 13327, TimeBin=16, Time: 0.999408, Redshift: 0.000592464,
Systemstep: 0.000147974, Dloga: 0.000148072, Nsync-grv: 17679,
Nsync-hyd: 2739
AREPO internally uses an own memory manager. This means that one large chunk of
memory is reserved initially for AREPO (specified by the parameter
`MaxMemSize`) and allocation for individual arrays is handeled internally.
The reason for introducing this was to avoid memory fragmentation during
runtime on some machines, but also to have detailed information about how much
memory AREPO actually needs and to terminate if this exceeds a pre-defined
treshold. ``memory.txt`` reports this internal memory usage, and how much memory
is actually needed by the simulation.
.. code-block :: python
MEMORY: Largest Allocation = 816.742 Mbyte | Largest Allocation W
ithout Generic = 132.938 Mbyte
-------------------------- Allocated Memory Blocks---- ( Step
0 )------------------
Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Fun
0 0 0 Parameters 0.0040
0.0040 read_parameter_file()|src/io/parameters.c|648
0 1 0 ParametersValue 0.0157
0.0197 read_parameter_file()|src/io/parameters.c|649
0 2 0 ParamtersType 0.0001
0.0198 read_parameter_file()|src/io/parameters.c|650
0 3 0 IO_Fields 0.0052
0.0250 init_field()|src/io/io.c|130
0 4 0 RateT 0.1527
0.1777 InitCool()|src/cooling/cooling.c|794
0 5 0 PhotoT 0.0058
0.1835 ReadIonizeParams()|src/cooling/cooling.c|691
0 6 0 slab_to_task 0.0005
0.1840 my_slab_based_fft_init()|src/gravity/pm/pm_mpi_fft.c|101
0 7 0 slabs_x_per_task 0.0001
0.1840 my_slab_based_fft_init()|src/gravity/pm/pm_mpi_fft.c|116
0 8 0 first_slab_x_of_task 0.0001
0.1841 my_slab_based_fft_init()|src/gravity/pm/pm_mpi_fft.c|119
0 9 0 slabs_y_per_task 0.0001
0.1841 my_slab_based_fft_init()|src/gravity/pm/pm_mpi_fft.c|122
0 10 0 first_slab_y_of_task 0.0001
0.1842 my_slab_based_fft_init()|src/gravity/pm/pm_mpi_fft.c|125
0 11 0 Exportflag 0.0001
0.1843 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|46
0 12 0 Exportindex 0.0001
0.1843 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|47
0 13 0 Exportnodecount 0.0001
0.1844 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|48
0 14 0 Send 0.0001
0.1844 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|50
0 15 0 Recv 0.0001
0.1845 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|51
0 16 0 TasksThatSend 0.0001
0.1846 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|53
0 17 0 TasksThatRecv 0.0001
0.1846 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|54
0 18 0 Send_count 0.0001
0.1847 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|56
0 19 0 Send_offset 0.0001
0.1848 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|57
0 20 0 Recv_count 0.0001
0.1848 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|58
0 21 0 Recv_offset 0.0001
0.1849 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|59
0 22 0 Send_count_nodes 0.0001
0.1849 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|61
0 23 0 Send_offset_nodes 0.0001
0.1850 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|62
0 24 0 Recv_count_nodes 0.0001
0.1851 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|63
0 25 0 Recv_offset_nodes 0.0001
0.1851 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|64
0 26 0 Mesh_Send_count 0.0001
0.1852 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|66
0 27 0 Mesh_Send_offset 0.0001
0.1852 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|67
0 28 0 Mesh_Recv_count 0.0001
0.1853 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|68
0 29 0 Mesh_Recv_offset 0.0001
0.1854 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|69
0 30 0 Force_Send_count 0.0001
0.1854 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|71
0 31 0 Force_Send_offset 0.0001
0.1855 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|72
0 32 0 Force_Recv_count 0.0001
0.1855 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|73
0 33 0 Force_Recv_offset 0.0001
0.1856 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|74
0 34 1 P 11.2500
11.4356 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|77
0 35 1 SphP 15.3125
26.7481 allocate_memory()|src/utils/allocate.c|80
0 36 1 NextActiveParticleHydro 0.1562
26.9044 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|686
0 37 1 NextInTimeBinHydro 0.1562
27.0606 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|689
0 38 1 PrevInTimeBinHydro 0.1562
27.2169 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|692
0 39 1 NextActiveParticleGravity 0.3125
27.5294 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|686
0 40 1 NextInTimeBinGravity 0.3125
27.8419 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|689
0 41 1 PrevInTimeBinGravity 0.3125
28.1544 timebins_allocate()|src/time_integration/timestep.c|692
0 42 1 DC 14.0267
42.1811 voronoi_init_connectivity()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi_dyn
0 43 1 DomainStartList 0.0001
42.1812 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|386
0 44 1 DomainEndList 0.0001
42.1812 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|387
0 45 1 DomainFirstLocTopleave 0.0001
42.1813 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|388
0 46 1 DomainNLocalTopleave 0.0001
42.1813 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|389
0 47 1 TopNodes 0.0020
42.1833 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|390
0 48 1 DomainTask 0.0001
42.1835 domain_allocate()|src/domain/domain.c|391
0 49 1 DomainListOfLocalTopleaves 0.0001
42.1836 domain_Decomposition()|src/domain/domain.c|144
0 50 1 Ngb_DomainNodeIndex 0.0001
42.1837 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1346
0 51 1 Ngb_Nodes 3.0735
45.2573 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1348
0 52 1 ExtNgb_Nodes 0.7684
46.0257 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1352
0 53 1 Ngb_Nextnode 0.1564
46.1821 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1355
0 54 1 Ngb_Father 0.1562
46.3383 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1356
0 55 1 Ngb_Marker 0.2661
46.6044 ngb_treeallocate()|src/ngbtree/ngbtree.c|1358
0 56 1 VF 16.0329
62.6373 initialize_and_create_first_tetra()|src/mesh/voronoi/vor
0 57 1 DP 4.4672
67.1045 initialize_and_create_first_tetra()|src/mesh/voronoi/vor
0 58 1 DT 17.6054
84.7099 initialize_and_create_first_tetra()|src/mesh/voronoi/vor
0 59 1 ListExports 0.6153
85.3252 create_mesh()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi.c|169
0 60 1 List_InMesh 0.1250
85.4502 create_mesh()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi.c|172
0 61 1 List_P 0.2500
85.7002 create_mesh()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi.c|174
0 62 1 DTC 11.7369
97.4371 create_mesh()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi.c|176
0 63 1 PrimExch 0.0001
97.4372 mesh_setup_exchange()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi_exchange.
0 64 1 GradExch 0.0001
97.4373 mesh_setup_exchange()|src/mesh/voronoi/voronoi_exchange.
0 65 0 Sndpm_count 0.0001
97.4373 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 66 0 Sndpm_offset 0.0001
97.4374 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 67 0 Rcvpm_count 0.0001
97.4374 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 68 0 Rcvpm_offset 0.0001
97.4375 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 69 0 partin 2.0000
99.4375 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 70 0 rhogrid 16.2500
115.6875 pmforce_uniform_optimized_prepare_densi()|src/gravity/pm
0 71 0 forcegrid 16.2500
131.9375 pmforce_periodic()|src/gravity/pm/pm_periodic.c|1597
0 72 0 flistin 0.5000
132.4375 pmforce_uniform_optimized_readout_force()|src/gravity/pm
0 73 0 flistout 0.5000
132.9375 pmforce_uniform_optimized_readout_force()|src/gravity/pm
0 74 0 scount 0.0001
132.9376 myMPI_Alltoallv()|src/mpi_utils/myalltoall.c|67
0 75 0 rcount 0.0001
132.9376 myMPI_Alltoallv()|src/mpi_utils/myalltoall.c|68
0 76 0 soff 0.0001
132.9377 myMPI_Alltoallv()|src/mpi_utils/myalltoall.c|69
0 77 0 roff 0.0001
132.9377 myMPI_Alltoallv()|src/mpi_utils/myalltoall.c|70
In case ``USE_SFR`` is active, AREPO will create a ``sfr.txt`` file, which reports
the stars created in every call of the star-formation routine.
The individual columns are:
* time (code units or scale factor)
* total stellar mass to be formed in timestepo prior to stochastic sampling (code units),
* instantaneous star formation rate of all cells (Msun/yr),
* instantaneous star formation rate of active cells (Msun/yr),
* total mass in stars formed in this timestep (after sampling) (code units),
* cumulative stellar mass formed (code units).
.. code-block :: python
4.373019e-01 9.714635e-03 1.100743e+02 1.405136e+02 2.2809
41e-02 2.752464e+01
4.373667e-01 4.007455e-04 1.104648e+02 5.795346e+00 0.0000
00e+00 2.752464e+01
4.374315e-01 2.009357e-02 1.104276e+02 2.905270e+02 0.0000
00e+00 2.752464e+01
4.374962e-01 3.904148e-04 1.103389e+02 5.643836e+00 0.0000
00e+00 2.752464e+01
Arepo is optimized for time-integrating both hydrodynamical as well as
gravitational interactions on the largest possible timestep that is allowed by
the timestep criterion and allowed by the binary hierarchy of time steps.
Each for each timestep, a linked list of particles on this particular
integration step exists, and their statistics are reported in `timebins.txt`.
In this file, the number of gas cells and collisionless-particles in each
timebin (i.e. integration timestep) is reported for each sync-point, as well
as the cpu time and fraction spent on each timebin. A typical bock looks like
.. code-block :: python
Sync-Point 2658, Time: 0.307419, Redshift: 2.25289, Systemstep: 9.10
27e-05, Dloga: 0.000296144
Occupied timebins: gravity hydro dt
cumul-grav cumul-sph A D avg-time cpu-frac
bin=19 57159 30466 0.004738310805
65419 32200 3.04 100.0%
bin=17 6854 1222 0.001184577701
8260 1734 0.36 1.0%
bin=16 1221 369 0.000592288851
1406 512 0.19 0.0%
X bin=15 185 143 0.000296144425
185 143 < 0.02 0.3%
Total active: 185 143
The performance of the gravitational tree algorithm is reported in
`timings.txt` for each sync-point. An example of a single sync-point looks
the following
.. code-block :: python
Step(*): 372, t: 0.0455302, dt: 0.000215226, highest active timebin:
19 (lowest active: 19, highest occupied: 19)
Nf= 65536 timebin=19 total-Nf=24510464
work-load balance: 1 (1 0), rel1to2: 1
number of iterations: max=1, exported fraction: 0
part/sec: raw=127058, effective=127058 ia/part: avg=32.2464
maximum number of nodes: 31091, filled: 0.677246
avg times: all=0.519064 tree1=0.515797 tree2=0 commwait=1.0013
6e-05 sec |