... | ... | @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ simulated, the latter provides information about the computational |
time spent in each part of the code, which can be influenced to some
degree by the values of the code parameters.
For ongoing simulations, these can be checked via::
For ongoing simulations, these can be checked via
tail -n 30 timebins.txt
tail -n 200 cpu.txt
... | ... | @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ balance.txt |
Output of fractional cpu time used in each individual step, optimized to be
machine readable (while cpu.txt is more human readable).
Symbol key::
Symbol key:
total = '-' / '-'
treegrav = 'a' / ')'
... | ... | @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Symbol key:: |
restart = '(' / 'b'
misc = ')' / 'a'
Step= 13147 sec= 0.212 Nsync-grv= 5181 Nsync-hyd=
342 dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttwwwwwxxzBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
... | ... | @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ only the most time-consuming parts of the code. There is the option |
The different columns are:
name; wallclock time (in s) this step; percentage this step; wallclock time
(in s) cumulative; percentage up to this step. A typical block of cpu.txt looks
the following (here a gravity-only, tree-only run)::
the following (here a gravity-only, tree-only run):
Step 131, Time: 0.197266, CPUs: 1, MultiDomains: 8, HighestActiveTim
eBin: 20
... | ... | @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ domain.txt |
The load-balancing (cpu work and memory) both in gravity and hydro calculation
are reported for each timebin individually. Reported every sync-point.
Ideally balanced runs have the value 1, the higher the value, the more
imbalanced the simulation.::
imbalanced the simulation.
DOMAIN BALANCE, Sync-Point 13314, Time: 0.997486
Timebins: Gravity Hydro cumulative grav-balance
... | ... | @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ In specified intervals (in simulation time, specified by the parameter |
written into `energy.txt`. This file also contains the cumulative energy
that had to be injected into the system to ensure positivity in thermal energy.
All output in code units. Note: this only works with up to 6 particle types.
The columns are::
The columns are
1. simulation time/ scalefactor
2. total thermal energy
... | ... | @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ The columns are:: |
29. total injected energy due to positivity enforcement of thermal e
Two example lines::
Two example lines
0.96967 3.29069e+06 0 4.27406e+07 3.29069e+06 0 1.65766e+06 0 0 3.93
02e+07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.78097e+06 0 0 0 503.489 3047.89 0 0 65.5756
... | ... | @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ info.txt |
Every sync-point, the time-bins, time, timestep and number of active particles
are written into this file, e.g.::
are written into this file, e.g.
Sync-Point 13327, TimeBin=16, Time: 0.999408, Redshift: 0.000592464,
Systemstep: 0.000147974, Dloga: 0.000148072, Nsync-grv: 17679,
... | ... | @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ The reason for introducing this was to avoid memory fragmentation during |
runtime on some machines, but also to have detailed information about how much
memory Arepo actually needs and to terminate if this exceeds a pre-defined
threshold. ``memory.txt`` reports this internal memory usage, and how much memory
is actually needed by the simulation.::
is actually needed by the simulation.
MEMORY: Largest Allocation = 816.742 Mbyte | Largest Allocation W
ithout Generic = 132.938 Mbyte
... | ... | @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ The individual columns are: |
* instantaneous star formation rate of all cells (Msun/yr),
* instantaneous star formation rate of active cells (Msun/yr),
* total mass in stars formed in this timestep (after sampling) (code units),
* cumulative stellar mass formed (code units).::
* cumulative stellar mass formed (code units).
4.373019e-01 9.714635e-03 1.100743e+02 1.405136e+02 2.2809
41e-02 2.752464e+01
... | ... | @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ Each for each timestep, a linked list of particles on this particular |
integration step exists, and their statistics are reported in `timebins.txt`.
In this file, the number of gas cells and collisionless particles in each
timebin (i.e. integration timestep) is reported for each sync-point, as well
as the cpu time and fraction spent on each timebin. A typical bock looks like::
as the cpu time and fraction spent on each timebin. A typical bock looks like
Sync-Point 2658, Time: 0.307419, Redshift: 2.25289, Systemstep: 9.10
27e-05, Dloga: 0.000296144
... | ... | @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ timings.txt |
The performance of the gravitational tree algorithm is reported in
`timings.txt` for each sync-point. An example of a single sync-point looks
the following::
the following:
Step(*): 372, t: 0.0455302, dt: 0.000215226, highest active timebin:
19 (lowest active: 19, highest occupied: 19)
... | ... | |