diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index ef4a09a4defd306897174acf34e7c691d1b11b2d..9be12f1ed019627bad89a38cf3880892ec1d557e 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ FILES
 | │   ├── ruptured_Pd.xml                          # a fcc(100) like surface with some sites missing
 | │   └── small.xml                                # demo file
 | ├── tests/                                       # Unit tests and test data
-| └── tools                                        # Entry points for command line interface
-|     ├── kmcos
-|     ├── kmcos.bat
-|     ├── kmcos-build-standalone
-|     └── kmcos-install-dependencies-ubuntu
+| ├── tools                                        # Entry points for command line interface
+| │   ├── kmcos
+| │   ├── kmcos.bat
+| │   ├── kmcos-build-standalone
+| │   └── kmcos-install-dependencies-ubuntu
diff --git a/examples/0-README_for_Examples200423.txt b/examples/0-README_for_Examples200423.txt
index 01de53992c384d7863a84f5e35f1caf911eeea1a..0576b8d38b4efcc3fc0c54ba0a5c63173d1fe38c 100644
--- a/examples/0-README_for_Examples200423.txt
+++ b/examples/0-README_for_Examples200423.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Below is a list of the examples, then explanation of how to use them.
 To use one of the examples, follow this type of procedure:
-python3 MyFirstSnapshots.py
+python3 MyFirstSnapshots__build.py
 cd MyFirstSnapshots_local_smart
 python3 runfile.py
diff --git a/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_export.py b/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_export.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d628ffbd209e6a89e3785e249f8d25101dcd28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_export.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import pickle
+from kmcos.run import KMC_Model
+model = KMC_Model()
+NSTEPS = 1e6
+model.pickle_export_atoms("MyFirstDiffusion_atoms_" + str(NSTEPS) + ".pkl")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_import.py b/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_import.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a8c3a082b990f734304cb4ba24187b7908df6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/MyFirstDiffusion_local_smart/runfile_atoms_import.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from ase.io import write
+import pickle
+filehandler = open('MyFirstDiffusion_atoms_1000000.0.pkl', 'rb')
+loaded_atoms_object = pickle.load(filehandler)
+write('MyFirstDiffusion_atoms_1000000.0.png', loaded_atoms_object)
diff --git a/examples/MyFirstSnapshots_local_smart/runfile.py b/examples/MyFirstSnapshots_local_smart/runfile.py
index 7974c45e7c33d2b6da3dcf56912725ff8b39306f..4600417b93ca17949f5158a5a36dbd1ca689db0d 100644
--- a/examples/MyFirstSnapshots_local_smart/runfile.py
+++ b/examples/MyFirstSnapshots_local_smart/runfile.py
@@ -42,8 +42,15 @@ do_snapshots(sps, n_snapshots)
 #The final command below writes the simulation details to the logfile
+# plot_configuration(self, filename = '', resolution = 150, scale = 20, representation = '', plot_settings = {}):
 #The first plot_configuration will use default arguments to construct the plot and export as "plottedConfiguration.png"
+#The second plot_configuration will use the atomic argument to contruct the plot and export as "atomic_view.png"
+#for the filename, you can specify with or without the .png at the end. This function will automatically convert to .png file
+sg.model.plot_configuration(filename='MyFirstSnapshots_atomic_view', resolution=100, scale=20, representation='atomic')
 plot_settings = {
     "y_label": "y_direction",
@@ -58,4 +65,5 @@ plot_settings = {
     "num_y_ticks": 3,
 #the second plot_configuration here will construct the plot using the above dictionary and export the file as "Plot.png"
+# Note that the spatial representation plots by default, but you can always specify in representation
+sg.model.plot_configuration(representation='spatial', plot_settings=plot_settings)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kmcos/__init__.py b/kmcos/__init__.py
index 8906ac5d5a852b34018c3cfd9042bdd8eb226c96..d8f244700906566ec2d4a25297a399a967e890de 100644
--- a/kmcos/__init__.py
+++ b/kmcos/__init__.py
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 #import kmcos.io
-__version__ = "0.0.64"
+__version__ = "0.0.66"
 VERSION = __version__
 def evaluate_param_expression(param, parameters={}):
diff --git a/kmcos/run/__init__.py b/kmcos/run/__init__.py
index 509f7893d4364197c5b3216c25041998415bef1d..ae5cae90edcdcb2382d095069494142c4eb7db23 100644
--- a/kmcos/run/__init__.py
+++ b/kmcos/run/__init__.py
@@ -930,13 +930,16 @@ class KMC_Model(Process):
                 print('Wrote {filename}'.format(**locals()))
-    def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    def peek(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Visualize the current configuration of the model using ASE ag."""
         tag = kwargs.pop('tag', None)
         ase = import_ase()
         ase.visualize.view(self.get_atoms(tag=tag), *args, **kwargs)
+    def show(self):
+        return self.peek()
     def view(self, scaleA = None):
         """Start current model in live view mode."""
         from kmcos import view
@@ -1558,9 +1561,17 @@ class KMC_Model(Process):
         if showFigure==False:
         return fig0, ax0
+    def export_picture(self, filename, resolution, scale, **kwargs):
+        atoms = self.get_atoms(reset_time_overrun = False) #here, the self is the KMC_Model object
+        kmcos.run.png.MyPNG(atoms, show_unit_cell=False, scale=scale, model=self, **kwargs).write(filename=filename, resolution=resolution)
+        return 
-    def plot_configuration(self, plot_settings = {}):
+    def plot_configuration(self, filename = '', resolution = 150, scale = 20, representation = 'spatial', plot_settings = {}):
+        representation is an optional argument for spatial and atomic view
+        You should specify as 'atomic' to see the atomic view. Leaving representation empty returns spatial view by default.
         plot_settings is a dictionary that allows for the plot to change given the arguements
             "y_label": "test",
@@ -1572,12 +1583,24 @@ class KMC_Model(Process):
             "dpi": 220,
             "speciesName": False
         plot_configuration will make a graph named 'plottedConfiguration.png,' unless specified by 'figure_name' in plot_settings
-        """
-        config = self._get_configuration().tolist()
-        species = self.species_tags
-        species_coordinates = self.get_species_coordinates(config, species)
-        self.create_plot(species_coordinates, species, plot_settings)
+        """        
+        if representation == 'atomic':
+            if 'show_unit_cell' in plot_settings:
+                show_unit_cell = plot_settings['show_unit_cell']
+            else:
+                show_unit_cell = True
+            if 'kwargs' in plot_settings:
+                kwargs = plot_settings['kwargs']
+            else:
+                kwargs = {} #default for kwargs is a blank dictionary
+            self.export_picture(filename = filename, resolution = resolution, scale = scale)
+        if (representation == 'spatial') or (representation == 'circles'):
+            config = self._get_configuration().tolist()
+            species = self.species_tags
+            species_coordinates = self.get_species_coordinates(config, species)
+            self.create_plot(species_coordinates, species, plot_settings)
     def _put(self, site, new_species, reduce=False):
         Works exactly like put, but without updating the database of
@@ -1983,6 +2006,21 @@ class KMC_Model(Process):
+    def pickle_export_atoms(self, filename = ""):
+        # takes atoms object in filename and turns it into a .pkl file
+        import pickle
+        if filename == "":
+            filename = "atoms_export.pkl"
+        else:
+            if filename[-4:] == '.pkl':
+                filename.replace('.pkl', '.pkl')
+            else:
+                filename = filename + '.pkl'
+        filehandler = open(filename, 'wb')
+        pickle.dump(self.get_atoms(), filehandler)
+        filehandler.close()
 class Model_Parameters(object):
     """Holds all user defined parameters of a model in
     concise form. All user defined parameters can be
diff --git a/kmcos/run/png.py b/kmcos/run/png.py
index 39e6d93d045582d68dd313d90326a9ebfefaa30c..f2030c34eb354bd1653b4d7b5d0ba9c88bed870f 100644
--- a/kmcos/run/png.py
+++ b/kmcos/run/png.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class MyPNG(PNG):
                  scale=20) :
+        self.atoms = atoms
         self.numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
         self.colors = colors
         self.model = model
@@ -114,7 +115,6 @@ class MyPNG(PNG):
         self.filename = filename
-        self.write_body()
     def write_info(self):
@@ -140,8 +140,9 @@ class MyPNG(PNG):
     def write_header(self, resolution=72):
-        from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg, Figure
+        from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg
         from matplotlib.backend_bases import GraphicsContextBase
+        from matplotlib.figure import Figure
             from matplotlib.transforms import Value
@@ -157,23 +158,20 @@ class MyPNG(PNG):
     def write_trailer(self, resolution=72):
+        import matplotlib
         renderer = self.renderer
         if hasattr(renderer._renderer, 'write_png'):
             # Old version of matplotlib:
-            from matplotlib import _png
-            # buffer_rgba does not accept arguments from version 1.2.0
-            # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/commit/f4fee350f9fbc639853bee76472d8089a10b40bd
-            import matplotlib
-            if matplotlib.__version__ < '1.2.0':
-                x = renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba(0, 0)
-                _png.write_png(renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba(0, 0),
-                               renderer.width, renderer.height,
-                               self.filename, resolution)
+            from ase.io import write
+            #self.atoms.rotate(a=0.5, (0,1,0), rotate_self=True)
+            if self.filename == "":
+                write('atomic_view.png', self.atoms)
-                x = renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba()
-                _png.write_png(renderer._renderer.buffer_rgba(),
-                               #renderer.width, renderer.height,
-                               self.filename, resolution)
+                if self.filename[-4:] == '.png':
+                    self.filename.replace('.png', '.png')
+                else:
+                    self.filename = self.filename + '.png'
+                write(self.filename, self.atoms)