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Klaus Reuter / pincheck
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Andreas Schmidt / Toolset_anisotropic_scale_factor
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterStandalone version of the code to compute the evolution of the anisotropic scale factor under the influence of a large-scale tidal field
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Simon May / minimal-lagrangians
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA Python program to generate the Lagrangians for dark matter models
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Berk Onat / pymolfile
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicensePython interface for molfile plugins.
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Solutions to exercises for the PiTP lectures on ”Collisionless Dynamics and SPH” (2009)
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An object oriented FORTRAN library for domain decomposition with halo exchange by MPI
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Martin Glatzle / GDA_futils
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Max Lindqvist / Template Latex
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ipek Akbatur / akbatur
MIT LicenseSTRUcture-Preserving HYbrid codes - a Python package for energetic particles in plasma.
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Pavel Kus / elpa
OtherEigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Apllications (ELPA), please see elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de