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nomad-lab / normalizer-fhi-aims-basis
Apache License 2.0Computes labels for the basis set
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Archived 0Updated
As a central repository, here the workflows are documented. A guide for development of pyiron workflows can be also added here.
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nomad-lab / parser-openkim
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
This module implements the ctapipe EventSource for MAGIC calibrated data.
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nomad-lab / parser-quasi-harmonic-properties
Apache License 2.0Parser for quasi harmonic properties
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nomad-lab / parser-skeleton
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
This repository contains the tutorials for the NOMAD analytics toolkit
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nomad-lab / parser-dftb-plus
Apache License 2.0NOMAD Laborarory CoE parser for DFTB+
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nomad-lab / normalizer-band-structure
Apache License 2.0Normalizes the band structure
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nomad-lab / parser-dl-poly
Apache License 2.0Nomad Laboratory parser for DL_POLY
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