## Users guide for the *ELPA* library ##
This document provides the guide for using the *ELPA* library with the new API (API version 20170403 or higher).
If you want to use the deprecated legacy API (we strongly recommend against this), please refer to the document
Please do understand that this release deprecated the old, legacy interface API!
If you want to use the deprecated legacy API (we strongly recommend against this), please use the ELPA release
2019.05.002 or older.
If you need instructions on how to build *ELPA*, please look at [INSTALL.md] (INSTALL.md).
... | ... | @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ Local documentation (via man pages) should be available (if *ELPA* has been inst |
For example "man elpa2_print_kernels" should provide the documentation for the *ELPA* program, which prints all
the available kernels.
Also a [online doxygen documentation] (http://elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de/html/Documentation/ELPA-2019.05.001/html/index.html)
Also a [online doxygen documentation] (http://elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de/html/Documentation/ELPA-2019.11.001.rc1/html/index.html)
for each *ELPA* release is available.
... | ... | @@ -22,26 +23,11 @@ for each *ELPA* release is available. |
With release 2017.05.001 of the *ELPA* library the interface has been rewritten substantially, in order to have a more generic
interface and to avoid future interface changes.
For compatibility reasons the interface defined in the previous release 2016.11.001 is also still available
**IF AND ONLY IF** *ELPA* has been build with support of this legacy interface.
The legacy API defines all the functionality as it has been defined in *ELPA* release 2016.11.011. Note, however,
that all future features of *ELPA* will only be accessible via the new API defined in release 2017.05.001 or later.
As mentioned, we advise against it, but if you want to use the legacy API please look at the document
The old, obsolete legacy API will be deprecated in the future !
Allready now, all new features of ELPA are only available with the new API. Thus, there
is no reason to keep the legacy API arround for too long.
The release ELPA 2018.11.001 was the last release, where the legacy API has been
enabled by default (and can be disabled at build time).
With release ELPA 2019.05.001 the legacy API is disabled by default, however,
can be still switched on at build time.
Most likely with the release ELPA 2019.11.001 the legacy API will be deprecated and
not supported anymore.
With the release ELPA 2019.11.001 the legacy API will has been deprecated and has been removed.
### Table of Contents: ###
... | ... | @@ -51,7 +37,8 @@ not supported anymore. |
- III) List of computational routines
- IV) Using OpenMP threading
- V) Influencing default values with environment variables
- VI) Autotuning
- VI) Autotuning
- VII) A simple example how to use ELPA in an MPI application
## I) General concept of the *ELPA* API ##
... | ... | @@ -200,7 +187,7 @@ The following table gives a list of all supported parameters which can be used t |
## III) List of computational routines ##
The following compute routines are available in *ELPA*: Please have a look at the man pages or [online doxygen documentation] (http://elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de/html/Documentation/ELPA-2019.05.001/html/index.html) for details.
The following compute routines are available in *ELPA*: Please have a look at the man pages or [online doxygen documentation] (http://elpa.mpcdf.mpg.de/html/Documentation/ELPA-2019.11.001.rc1/html/index.html) for details.
| Name | Purpose | since API version |
... | ... | @@ -385,10 +372,132 @@ C Synopsis |
elpa_autotune_set_best(handle, autotune_handle &error); // from now on use values used by autotuning
elpa_autotune_deallocate(autotune_handle); // cleanup autotuning
## VII) A simple example how to use ELPA in an MPI application ##
The following is a skeleton code of an basic example on how to use ELPA. The purpose is to show the steps that have
to be done in the application using MPI which wants to call ELPA, namely
- Initializing the MPI
- creating a blacs distributed matrics
- using this matrix within ELPA
The skeleton is not ment to be copied and pasted, since the details will always be dependent on the application which should
call ELPA.
For simplicity only a Fortran example is shown
use mpi
implicit none
integer :: mpierr, myid, nprocs
integer :: np_cols, np_rows, npcol, nprow
integer :: my_blacs_ctxt, sc_desc(9), info
integer :: na = [some value] ! global dimension of the matrix to be solved
integer :: nblk = [some value ] ! the block size of the scalapack block cyclic distribution
real*8, allocatable :: a(:,:), ev(:)
! MPI Initialization
call mpi_init(mpierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,myid,mpierr)
call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,nprocs,mpierr)
! Selection of number of processor rows/columns
! the application has to decide how the matrix should be distributed
np_cols = [ some value ]
np_rows = [ some value ]
! Set up BLACS context and MPI communicators
! The BLACS context is only necessary for using Scalapack.
! For ELPA, the MPI communicators along rows/cols are sufficient,
! and the grid setup may be done in an arbitrary way as long as it is
! consistent (i.e. 0<=my_prow<np_rows, 0<=my_pcol<np_cols and every
! process has a unique (my_prow,my_pcol) pair).
! For details look at the documentation of BLACS_Gridinit and
! BLACS_Gridinfo of your BLACS installation
my_blacs_ctxt = mpi_comm_world
call BLACS_Gridinit( my_blacs_ctxt, 'C', np_rows, np_cols )
call BLACS_Gridinfo( my_blacs_ctxt, nprow, npcol, my_prow, my_pcol )
! compute for your distributed matrix the number of local rows and columns
! per MPI task, e.g. with
! the Scalapack tools routine NUMROC
! Set up a scalapack descriptor for the checks below.
! For ELPA the following restrictions hold:
! - block sizes in both directions must be identical (args 4+5)
! - first row and column of the distributed matrix must be on row/col 0/0 (args 6+7)
call descinit( sc_desc, na, na, nblk, nblk, 0, 0, my_blacs_ctxt, na_rows, info )
! Allocate matrices
allocate(a (na_rows,na_cols))
! fill the matrix with resonable values
a(i,j) = [ your problem to be solved]
! UP to this point this where all the prerequisites which have to be done in the
! application if you have a distributed eigenvalue problem to be solved, independent of
! whether you want to use ELPA, Scalapack, EigenEXA or alike
! Now you can start using ELPA
if (elpa_init(20171201) /= ELPA_OK) then ! put here the API version that you are using
print *, "ELPA API version not supported"
elpa => elpa_allocate(success)
if (success != ELPA_OK) then
! react on the error
! we urge every user to always check the error codes
! of all ELPA functions
! set parameters decribing the matrix and it's MPI distribution
call elpa%set("na", na, success) ! size of the na x na matrix
call elpa%set("nev", nev, success) ! number of eigenvectors that should be computed ( 1<= nev <= na)
call elpa%set("local_nrows", na_rows, success) ! number of local rows of the distributed matrix on this MPI task
call elpa%set("local_ncols", na_cols, success) ! number of local columns of the distributed matrix on this MPI task
call elpa%set("nblk", nblk, success) ! size of the BLACS block cyclic distribution
call elpa%set("mpi_comm_parent", MPI_COMM_WORLD, success) ! the global MPI communicator
call elpa%set("process_row", my_prow, success) ! row coordinate of MPI process
call elpa%set("process_col", my_pcol, success) ! column coordinate of MPI process
success = elpa%setup()
! if desired, set any number of tunable run-time options
! look at the list of possible options as detailed later in
call e%set("solver", ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE, success)
! set the AVX BLOCK2 kernel, otherwise ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_DEFAULT will
! be used
call e%set("real_kernel", ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX_BLOCK2, success)
! use method solve to solve the eigenvalue problem to obtain eigenvalues
! and eigenvectors
! other possible methods are desribed in USERS_GUIDE.md
call e%eigenvectors(a, ev, z, success)
! cleanup
call elpa_deallocate(e)
call elpa_uninit()
``` |